Friday, November 28, 2014

Just yesterday I had a brief conversation about the toddler weight curve

and how it has to be pushed up, or rather - there is no way it was not pushed up. For seeing a drop from 25 percentile to "a little under 15 percentile" in 1 year is a little misleading when you look at a little guy who still has his real biceps :) and has an appetite of a young growing man :) (knocking on the wood).
On the other hand, I strongly suspect he has inherited his father's genes when it comes to body and metabolism.
However, he was not born in a family committed to Vegetarianism or Paleo diet either.

And just this morning I realized my clothes size in a couple of stores I usually shop at is XS. With some XS tops actually being lose underarms - which should be impossible and unnatural given my height, body type and the fact that my ribcage was the only part of my body that did not restore to its pre-natal size after childbirth.
I am pro- adjusting standards when it comes to an average body type, body image, fashion, health, technology, education. Pret-a-porter are in the constant evolution mode, it would be stupid not to use the modern average body type for today's production (and the average body type is hardly ever used, but it's a whole different story). But when in 7 years I go from M (for length or height) to XS - the evolution must be speeding up in geometrical  progression :)
This is misleading. This is so misleading I don't see where it is going.

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