Friday, August 29, 2014

Someone who shows up at Thai boxing class

still sick and right before a networking event and a dinner date to follow - is not a very smart person.

That's also me.

It's amazing, how the only thing that does not kill me all over my body right now - is carrying and cuddling with Art. Must be one of those amazing things about female bodies that activities with babies do not cause muscle ache :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

When in the gloom of a massage room,

in response to your assumption that the knots in your legs are caused by carrying around a growing baby for the past 12 month, your masseuse says almost under breath:

-It's good that you have kids... I have no one to come home to...

You literally feel that no relaxation effect and no hot stones at that moment could keep you from jumping off the table and speeding off to your car. As is.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

When I'm done with this exam...

I'll get a bucket of cobb salad, a box of sushi  and a bottle of wine and will drown myself in bath for half a day with all this and Semenova's Valkyrie.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

2 am

and we're sitting outside on the patio.

After a musical with friends, followed by a relaxing walk in the downtown, peaking in at somebody's movie and game night out near 16th St. and having impromptu drinks and appetizers somewhere on Larimer sq.

And now we're outside on the patio, with armagnac, wine, cigar and only missing the telescope - by now we're feeling to lazy to carry it outside.
Listening to the 7th Symphony by Shostakovich on my phone, talking about our plans for future, and realizing that we will never get old.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tough summer.

The  more I push back the more challenges life throws at me, the louder I yell "No pasaran!" in return - the less time I have.
Maybe all I need to do is really to just let it all go for a while?

On the bright side, I prioritized 2 part-time locations for... when the life begins. Now that I am sure of what I want, let's see what'll become of it.

The biggest challenge right now (and ever) is sustaining self-discipline. All I want to do now is to grab the marshmallow and run, accept one of those Account Manager positions and forget this year-long leap of faith ever happened. Thank God I'm stubborn.

Funny enough, dreamt of one of my old friends last night. An acquaintant of mine and I were travelling to Suisse and at one point I left her mountain skiing at night (!), and paid a visit to my friend. He was not home, so I decided to wait for him and after a while saw a little white board in the corridor where he had a list of things to do written down; among others: do that many sets of crunches or do that exercise that many times... I took a black marker and wrote: Drop 2-3 sizes and buy a corset.
And left his apartment.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pelevin has a strange effect on me.

 Instead of  getting back to my 16-19 year old life period, playing it over and over again in my head and trying to find the errors and fixing them (mentally, or course, just in case they come up again as life lesson in the future :) )  - coming back to my 15 years, just before all that... ehm... adventure began.

And then again, of course - trying to go over the key events. But were there really so many key events that year, between 15 and 16?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Frescoes depicting my old life

 are fading, cracking, chipping and from time to time pieces of plaster are falling down.

5 minutes ago I felt a sudden urge to check what became of my old Swiss number. I wonder why this never occurred to me before. I dialed it to discover it now belongs to a British woman.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Thoughts of the week

1. I should have read "To kill a mockingbird" a long time ago. I planned to open this book years ago, and while I never had enough time to start reading it, or had something else on my priority read-list, there already was so much from this little girl in me, all these years... And I can't help feeling a bit jealous of having older wise people around you at such a young age, and having a smart older brother. Well, the latter is what I always wanted anyway!

2. I never had time in the past 3 weeks to go over my new phone manual and learn about all its great functions and blah-blah, but I did download app, and am really amazed at how great it is, being so simple, and how helpful it can be for just the daily tasks. I still wouldn't be able to do without my Moleskine week planner and my goal notebook, but the ability of vocally jotting down a though as it crosses my mind and before it's gone too far, or walking around the house and making a list of things to do or fix - once again all vocally! - is priceless to me now.
Keeps my head clear of junk. Helps simplify my life. That's all I ever needed.