Sunday, November 23, 2014

One of those weeks

when you feel like all your time and energy are spent on supporting activities to the most extent and that still required a 100% input. In short -  lots of useful things were done, but not too much progress made.

I wish there was a way to outsource an impromptu coaching of an insurance company as well as  large airline on how to handle claims that are almost 1 year old, and how to escalate issues when your partners are not replying to your emails for over 6 months...

Or a way to delegate very meaningful conversations at tire shops after 2 hours of wait. No, there is no way my winter tires can be that bald after 2 seasons. No, these all-season tires are way more warn out than mine would too. You know what? If these tires came off this car - great, because this is not my car either. No, I do not drive a Subaru. No, I have no idea where my car is or where my key is, I did leave the key with you. Yes, I do hope too the car will be found quickly and that the owner of that Subaru did not leave in it. :)

Or - talking with half a dozen people in an insurance company to simply check if they partner with a certain hospital, and still not being able to find anyone who could confirm this.
Or running around from teacher to administration of the daycare trying to find brand new winter boots sz 4-5 that were, doubtlessly, grabbed by someone by mistake and, doubtlessly, were still not recognized as a pair that does not belong to their child.

On the bright side, I did enjoy being part of a wonderful romantic dinner at a French Bistro and a movie night out, seeing new Hunger Games. That will count as November events & outings. :)

On the not-sure-how-I-feel-about-it side, the estimated cost of all the activities for  continuing education and self-development  is  about $10K. For some reason, none of those people who talk about setting goals advise to pick goals that are within your current budget :) I guess once I am established as a world-known greatest Life Coach I will have quite a few new concepts to bring in :)

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