Sunday, January 4, 2015

The first hours of the new year

poor Dr. Chill with some nasty infection. Literally, what we had to deal with a few years down 2015 were the consequences of this bug. Thank God, this little guy is a fighter...

A couple of days later, just as Dr Chill got better, the infection got to Von Zobel & myself.
I was on a semi-knocked out mode for a day with breaks for drinking and watching the X-files with one eye. I honestly can't remember when was the last time when I could just spend a day in bed recovering: lying like a log and not doing a-ny-thing at all, but watching something that easy and entertaining. Phoenix, 7 years ago probably...

Actually, the reason I remembered about the X-files series at all was because I stumbled across an old... erm... FBI ID I found among my old child's stuff I was going through to find something interesting for Dr Chill to play with. My school best friend, when she got a PC at home AND access to internet - which was incredibly cool back then, - downloaded and made us both FBI badges.
Which stated each of us was a SPASIAL AGENT.
And which we wore for our class's school duty week on top of our official class badges, because class badges were boring.
And which we, at the sight of our class teacher at the horizon, would hide behind the Geometry books, or by turning around, or by putting right hand on heat and starting to sing: "Take my heaaart! Take my souuuul! I'm so lonely at this hour, I wish for deaaaath!". Apart from the class teacher's raised eyebrows and a command to stop singing rock songs when on duty - that kept us out of trouble.
Spasial time indeed.

As for the actual series, they're still entertaining and fun, and still a slideshow of beautiful-beautiful picture of the US it is a pleasure just to look at. Some 15 years ago though, all the UFOs, abductions, special powers and paranormal activities looked rather creepy if watched after 10pm. The only way to fight off the chills was to convince yourself that all the scary abnormal stuff is only happening THERE - across the Atlantics and far far away from here :)

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