Friday, September 26, 2014

-What of music do you like?
- I don't listen to music.
- Why not? 
- Music evokes emotions.
- Emotions spawns genius...
- Emotions blur judgement!

With all the indisputable genius of Fahrenheit 451 - one thing I found myself missing is the "future" projection of music and arts. Clearly, "bread and circuses" is always the easiest and cheapest way to sustain control over population; clearly - no thought-provoking education and behaviour would fit in, and the books have always been the first scapegoats under any dictatorship... but why aren't works of art and music recordings and scripts burnt just as fanatically? Neither, of course, will do much good without proper education about the historical and sociological context, the artists or composer's biography and history of the piece's creation, but they can still at least arise curiosity, can't they? Sparkle interest? A thought?

Anyhow, maybe more about this will follow in the second part of the book :) Another thing I really appreciate Bradbury done that did not ruin his work - is not bringing religion in the picture. As well as not pointing at The Enemy far in the distance, creating a typical dictator oppressing the nation.
A great feature of most mature books - the real enemy is not placed OUTSIDE of people.

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