Saturday, June 13, 2015

It's raining cats and dogs.

If I were to put it in a more dramatic way, I would say my life, as I had been living it until recently, was washed away. But I am not dramatic, and the summer started really well.

On Chinchilla Jr's due date nothing went as expected and no one could explain what was going on. The only resemblance from this time two years ago - is that I left for the emergency thinking that in a couple of hours and a few hundred dollars later they will simply send me home, as there is no way I can have the baby today.


Within the next 12 hours I first went through a very peculiar experience of having 2 doctors and 3 nurses running around worried about the screening results and, although not being able to fully explain what exactly went wrong, deciding to induce the labor. Just in case. Followed by an attempt of hormonal induction which, apparently, made things even worse and one doctor and a few nurses run around me again. Followed by a perspective of going through a mechanical induction, which I refused to have without anesthesia. Followed by anesthesia which made be sob all out of sudden, then lose my voice and ability to speak completely, then lose ability to even breathe normally. Von Zobel had to bring over a pen and a sheet of paper so I could explain what was happening to me. Followed by attempts to stabilize and get by breathing and voice back - in order to concentrate on getting control over my body back I had to get some focal point, and I could not think of anything better than to start counting out loud in German. Starting out with hissing whisper, but it did the trick! Followed by kind request to the medical team to hold off any further creative plans for induction whatsoever. Followed by good old pitocin and a perspective of an emergency c-section should there be another... well, emergency.

I spent the next couple of hours literally talking my body into cooperation unless it wanted to be cut open; and - interestingly enough - my body listened :) At about 4am it became clear I will not need more induction and most likely - no c-section. That called for a celebration with a cherry popsicle  and nothing else mattered!

When in 4 more hours long awaited Dr Chill Jr made an appearance to our beautiful world, he first moved his head and turned it left and right - Dr Chill Sr had control over his neck and head right away too, so I was not too surprised - and then started quickly pushing his feet, as if trying to crawl.
My first thought was: "Wow, it's been 5 seconds since you were born, and you're trying to run away from me already!..".

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