Thursday, December 18, 2014

The shell is cracking.

In the past couple of weeks I've been keeping losing objects - in one way or another - that I would use a lot. My old clothes gets completely ruined all out of sudden, I run out of cosmetics and makeup - several products in the same short period of time, things stretch, fade, break - so they become unusable and can only be thrown away.

I guess part of it can be explained by the fact that I am an anti-hoarder and at all times I  keep only the necessary set of good quality things that I know I'll use regularly, and only get new items when replacement is needed. That can explain running out of a set of eyeshadow, a lipstick, a bottle of perfume and a body lotion simultaneously :) But it does not explain running out of ink in 3 pens in a row within about 10 days. Or - my weekly agenda has a couple of pages left because, obviously, it's second half of December. But nothing explains why, for instance, half of my clothes become unwearable  :)

There's no scientific reason for it, but it's almost as if getting on a new pattern of thinking, feeling and self-realization changes my daily surroundings, at least those that I touch a lot. Or that now that my own energy flow changed, it started to re-shape the material world outside. To start with cracking the old shell and eventually breaking it.
It is the first time this is happening - at least in such an obvious way,  but I'd like to think I'm right at figuring out the reason.

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