- ...and when we went outside to the playground I caught a lady bug right away. And of course I gave it to Anna, but first I told her" You have to say "please"". So she said "please" and I then gave it to her...
- Erm... It's good that you gave her the lady bug, I'm sure she appreciated it. And it's good that you remind other kids that it's good to be polite. Do you always say "please" when asking for something?
- Yes!
- What about you, Adrian?
- NO!
- You do not say "please"?!
- NO!
- Well, what if you need to ask someone for something? Don't you say "please"?
- I just say: "Do you want to give it to me? YES OR NO?!" - and they give it to me.
Seriously, a three-year-old mobster. I should try his approach though some time, just as soon as I can frown my brows as impressive as he does.
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