Saturday, August 25, 2018

And just in the blink of an eye -

the oldest of my Chills, the smart, handsome, funny and amazing Arthur has turned 5 this week.
I find this still hard to believe, I am sure so does he :)

Meanwhile, as one of the Birthday gifts I booked a pony ride for both him and Adrian - since he is so much into his "Horsie"cartoon now...
When we arrived at the stables everything was going well, but when it was time to get on the pony, he got all tight and scared all out of sudden. I was able to persuade him to get in the saddle, and as I had to walk by him, holding my both hands at him at all times - I started to walk by. As we were through the first circle, Arthur suddenly asked me:
 - Mom, WHEN my horsie starts to run will you be able to run fast enough to catch up with him?

It took all my strength not to laugh. Had to explain to him "his horsie" is not going to run, gallop or jump as he saw them do in the cartoon and that I'm not running along at the speed of the horsie either.
Riding in circles at a calm pace - was all that was going to happen tonight.
Having heard this, Arthur sat tall, relaxed his legs a little and started to look like his normal self: like a blood prince on a casual walk through his land.
It's amazing how his brain works.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

After my blood donation with Bonfils

 I was offered to choose whatever I wanted from a bunch of giveaways: chap sticks, grocery bags, mints, pens... I took a couple of chap sticks and a couple of hand sanitizers- something we use a lot anyway, brought home and put on kitchen counter.
Arthur was the first to spy the loot:
- what's this? Chap stick, right? You have 2 chap sticks here, you know... why do you need 2?
Once he made a poker face and left, along came Adrian, noticing hand sanitizers:
- Is this to kill bacteria? Where did you get it? Why did you bring 2? It's just you - you only need one for yourself!
Next time I glance at the counter in about 15 minutes - it is perfectly empty. Both chap sticks and sanitizers are gone.
C - Collectivization.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Talking to Chills in the car on the way home about how their day went.


 - ...and when we went outside to the playground I caught a lady bug right away. And of course I gave it to Anna, but first I told her" You have to say "please"". So she said "please" and I then gave it to her...
 - Erm... It's good that you gave her the lady bug, I'm sure she appreciated it. And it's good that you remind other kids that it's good to be polite. Do you always say "please" when asking for something?
- Yes!
- What about you, Adrian?
- NO!
- You do not say "please"?!
- NO!
 - Well, what if you need to ask someone for something? Don't you say "please"?
 - I just say: "Do you want to give it to me? YES OR NO?!" - and they give it to me.

Seriously, a three-year-old mobster. I should try his approach though some time, just as soon as I can frown my brows as impressive as he does.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

I've gone through some enourmous shopping in July.

Birthday presents, kindergarten supplies, shoes and clothes (the clothes were actually ordered when in London to have them delivered closer to our arrival date - perfect for those who like things happen quickly...), household items and of course stocking up the fridge with fresh food, including 3 types of cheeses to go with Von Zobel's fresh garden grown tomatoes. Damn it, I miss all-recyclable UK packaging! And damn in again, the household management does not become much easier: just as you figure out the schedule and amounts of groceries to buy, you five year old starts to have breakfast as big as yours!