Arthur brought a stuffed toy monkey from school last Friday. Bobo the Monkey is supposed to live with us for a week, participate in daily activities with us and we are supposed to take pictures of his(hers?) Adventures and add them to Bobo's journal with descriptions. Sometime long this week I am running around taking pictures of a communal clss monkey in a helmet on a bicycle, gardening and baking muffins. Good apple pie monkey he was.
Some time parallel to this I am looking for Arthur's pictures of last year for his poster board. Basketball, microscopes, parrots and rock climbing, trip to London. Then Adrian participates by gluing pictures and adding colour to the poster, and Arthur makes drawing of him skiing , making snowmen and swimming. I bet that was the most creative poster in his class :)
Sometime parallel to this I am shuffling around work files, doing research and trying to fit in an internal presentation which would be quite an easy one otherwise, had it not involved trying to match my schedule with someone with a packed schedule too and 8 hours ahead of me, while...
...while there's an armed woman in town threatening to schools. The FBI are looking for her, the schools are closed, both chinchillas are hanging out in the backyard.
The daily calls and emails are diluted with running to the backyard to mediate, comfort and pick up pieces of broken glass. The corporate demo gets pushed back to next day.
The Easter trip packing has not even started yet.