Friday, September 14, 2012

Woke up
Drove to work
Drove to school
Sat through two classes
Drove home
Worked out
Took a shower
Worked again
Started a group project
Crawled to bed lighting up my way to bedroom with a cell phone


They say it's labor that turned ape into a human... I think labor has just the opposite effect on me! ;)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

In the light of recent visit to USCIS

I remembered how I stopped at their office a couple of months earlier to drop off some pictures and documents.

It was a Monday morning, and apart from one applicant of African origin there was a European looking couple with 2 daughters before me in the wait line. The couple had a French accept and in an upset tone were explaining to the officer why they exceeded the length of their stay per their visas. The officer was explaining them their two options - both in accordance with V&I legislation and by the upset voice and long pauses of the man I could tell he was not quite happy of losing the opportunity of getting entrance visas to the US. And it did sound like their visas applications might be denied forever now...

The little girls behind my back were reading a book in French, sharing the replicas of the characters and making up details and stories about them. That was too cute and they had no clue what was going on. Their parents sounded even more upset and demanding; as if in disbelief that they have to cope with the rules, and no exception can be made for them.

I heard all these voices in my both ears and ... could not help smiling! Wondering what their nationality was, I thought that life is not always black and white, and that one can never rely on the immunity of what is perceived to be widely-recognized and generally accepted characteristics. And then I also thought that maybe life is not so unfair after all :)